PEN WORLD VOICES NEW YORK, Friday May 3rd 2013
To celebrate the US publication of The Finno-Ugrian Vampire, Noemi Szecsi will be a featured author in
A LITERARY SAFARI at the Wesbeth Gallery, Westbeth Center for Arts at 155 Bank Street New York from 7pm to 9pm. Tickets are $15 or $10 for Pen Members, and participants will be able to wander from room to room in the city's largest artist community and discover a bedside reading or a dinner table discussion featuring authors. Ends in a reception and champagne toast in the gallery.
See the Pen World Voices website at:
Noemi Szecsi will also be at the PEN WORLD VOICES event INVISIBLE CITIES, VISIBLE CITIES on Saturday, May 4th from 5pm - 6.30pm at the Public Theater, 425 Lafayette Street, New York.
BBC RADIO 3 18th September 2012 LATE JUNCTION 23.00 hours
Anne Hilde Neset explores the music of John Cage, incuding the track 4.33 from SILENCE (published by Marion Boyars in hardback & paperback). A mix including Cage's Imaginary Landscape No. 1 for turntables, piano and percussion from 1939, tracks from Aphex Twin's 2
001 album Drukqs, inspired by Cage's pieces for piano, and excerpts from a BBC archived interview with John Cage recorded in 1980.
THE TIMES August 2012
Henning Mankell gives prominence to the Swedish classic love story, THE SERIOUS GAME by Hjalmar Söderberg, claiming it to be one of the world's lost classics. Available from Waterstone's, Daunt Books, The London Review Bookshop and all online retailers.
Dimitri Verhulst's Problemski Hotel is featured in an article by Tim Parks, The Dutch Are Coming, on Dutch postwar fiction yet to become available in English, published in the New York Review of Books, October 27th 2011. Parks states that Problemski Hotel by Dimitri Verhulst, (Marion Boyars- translated by David Colmer, ISBN9780714531106) is a book 'determined to offend.'
The setting could not be more topical, a detention centre for asylum seekers from the world's war zones and disaster areas. The first chapter opens with a photographer for a news agency, Bipul Masli, complaining that the child dying of malnutrition on an African garbage dump did not have the obligatory fly on his face, thus spoiling his photograph. Parks continues, 'ethnic stereotyping is presented with the most abrasive irony and the suggestion that for all our liberal rhetoric our governments treat asylum seekers as so much meat.'
The Marat Sade is currently being performed until 5 November 2011 by the Royal Shakespeare company at Stratford-upon-Avon. Described as a revival of Peter Weiss's 1964 dialectical drama, forever associated with the name Peter Brook,the production is criticised for using a certain amount of overkill in The Guardian, but Michael Billington findsmuch to admire in the production.

Rosy Barnes has been selected for a film development programme aimed at redressing the gender balance in British film making - see below the extract from the paper:
'KATHRYN Bigelow's Oscar victory was a historic first for a woman director but across the film industry only 7 per cent of directors and 12 per cent of screenwriters are women, it is claimed. Now Edinburgh is being touted as ‘a hotbed of new female screenwriting talent’. Film writer Laura Anne Anderson and comic novelist Rosy Barnes are two of ten women chosen for the UK-wide film writing programme "She Writes".
The scheme is backed by The Script Factory training centre and Birds Eye View, a festival for women film-makers. Barnes is to pen a screen adaptation of her own comic novel Sadomasochism for Accountants, which our review placed in the mould of PG Wodehouse or Tom Sharpe. In it a character named Paula recruits the exotic clientele of a South London fetish club to claw back her accountant ex.' The Scotsman Thursday 25th March 2010